Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blue of a Kind Recording Update

The guys showed up ready to play for the next session. Compared to the second session which produced only 2 keepers, the third session produced 5. For a couple hours of hard work, standing around microphones and trying it again and again, you have to have something to show for the effort.

Speaking from the point of view of music director, sometimes you just gotta apply some tough love! Members of the ensemble have to take responsibility for their music. Too many singers are along for the ride and are pushed and pulled by whatever happens in the next moment. Your ensemble will not rise to the top if your singers don't do their homework.

The list of keepers is lengthening and the dream is in sight. Now as we complete this aspect of the project, we have to begin thinking about all the other assets we need to develop - the CD cover, liner notes, photos and etc. There is still a bit of work ahead! Luckily, we have a great artist and designer in the group who has experience doing CD cover artwork.


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